Mysql download windows 8 64 bits
Mysql download windows 8 64 bits

mysql download windows 8 64 bits


If you are the system administrator please click here to find out more about this error." The "click here" takes me to a page which tells me how to configure classic asp with mysql. If I do this in Chrome/Firefox, it takes me to index.asp but instead of showing the correct contents it displays the error message: "An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. The expected result is, after I hit enter it should authenticate me via the invisible page checklogin and then if it matches with the database, it should pass me to index.asp. I typed in the username and password as expected and hit Enter. I next typed in the path to my login page on my browser and the login page came up alright. The connection string that I am using is: strconnect = ("Driver= Server=localhost Port:4040 Database=mira_dev User=root Password=root Option=4 ") I tested the connection and it says "Connection successful". I named it as MySQL 64 Bit, TCP/IP Server as, Port as 3306, then username as root and password as root. I next created a System DSN in the ODBC Data Source Administrator (64-bit). Now I am able to see "It works!" in my browser. Next I created a folder (mira_dev) inside the page, the second one is the checklogin.asp page and the last one being the index.asp page. The database is working perfectly as I am able to create tables, stored procedures etc. I have downloaded the MySQL 5.6.14 64 bit database from MySQL website and installed it successfully. I am trying to connect my classic ASP website to the MySQL database.

Mysql download windows 8 64 bits