TurboTax is an American tax preparation software package developed by Michael A. You can trust TurboTax to keep your information safe, thanks to additional security features like Multi-Factor Authentication, Touch ID and Data Encryption, so you can enjoy an easy tax filing system with maximum returns and zero risk of compromising your sensitive information. If you want to do your taxes yourself, but feel you need help, you can talk to real tax experts and they’ll help you out. If you opt-in for the paid options, be sure to use TurboTax coupons from to get a good deal on the handy tax tools.
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You can e-file for free or purchase some TurboTax products and tools from the website. TurboTax makes sure to keep up with the latest laws, so you can trust that the proper procedures will be followed and your taxes will be done right. Calculations are guaranteed to be 100% accurate, so your tax return is sure to be error-free.
All you need to do is answer a few questions about yourself, your finances and expenses, share a photo of your W-2, and leave the math to TurboTax tax software. Guaranteed to help you file your taxes easily and accurately and get you a maximum refund, TurboTax is a fast and efficient tax software tool for all your tax needs. TurboTax takes care of both of those problems. Taxes combine two things that a lot of people aren’t too fond of losing money and having to deal with long, tiresome tax calculations.